Everything You Need to Know About the Morrocco Method

The Morrocco Method is a company that was created with their customers’ health and beauty in mind.

Their products are raw, paleo and all-natural. They not only cleanse the hair and scalp, but also deliver essential nutrients without all the typical toxic, harsh chemicals that are found in traditional shampoos and conditioners.

In this article, let me take you on a magic carpet ride to hair heaven.

I am so ecstatic to tell you all about my favorite hair care company in the world!

Let’s Get Started!

Quality hair health takes time and dedication.

We live in an instant gratification society, but that mindset just isn’t going to fly here. So just throw that way of thinking out the window!

Alright, good. Let’s continue.

The first thing you need to know when making the decision to switch over to all nature hair and skin care products (other than that it’s the best decision you could ever make) is that there is going to be a detox process.

Everyone’s hair is different and has a different history in regards to chemical exposure, harsh heat product use and so on. So I quite literally can’t tell you how long it will take you personally to fully detox your hair and scalp. But I can guarantee you that it will be well worth it in the long run.

When going natural, like Morrocco Method products are, your scalp is going to have to work very hard to rebalance your hairs pH levels. In order to accomplish this, the toxins from your scalp are going to be pushed out. Think possibly extra oily hair or sticky gunk by the roots of your hair for a little bit.

I know, kinda unpleasant to think about, but these toxins are in your scalp already.

You want to get them out now and make them stay out!

Best Way to Begin

I 100% recommend what I started off with.

Employees at Morrocco Method were very patient with my overabundance of questions and helped to explain the process and products to me in the easiest way possible.

Since I was completely new to Morrocco Method (and wouldn’t try it until I knew everything about it), I was given the full breakdown.

In order to best detox my scalp and get over with the detox process quicker, one should start off by purchasing the starter package. This includes 5 shampoos, 6 conditioners and a scalp massager.

It’s a really great deal for the price and has lasted me half a year.

I know what you’re thinking, that’s a lot of products!

But stay with me here.

It is recommended to start with all 5 shampoos because collectively they will provide your hair with as much nutrients as possible while your body is navigating through the detox process. You need to rotate between each shampoo every time you wash. The way I best do this is by lining up all 5 of my bottles in a row and then after I use one I put it at the back of my bottle lineup. That way I create an order and don’t forget which shampoo I should use next.

You want to use a different shampoo each time in order to prevent your hair from building up a tolerance to just one shampoo. Also, all of the elements in each shampoo work together to help get your hair back to a healthy homeostasis. By using only one, you won’t reap the benefits of these products like intended.

The starter pack is also great to help you decide which products are your favorite and work best for your hair type.

After my personal research and experience with the products, yes there are a few that I think smell better than others. But I plan to continue to rotate the different products between each shower, because my scalp and hair has loved the variety and I don’t want to do anything to mess up the great thing I’ve got going!

Now, let’s get into more detail on each of these shampoos.

How to Properly Shampoo

You’re probably thinking I’m an idiot for going into this much detail here.

“Like duh Madison, I know how to shampoo. You just put it in and scrub.”

But this is not the case!

Now if you’ve been using regular shampoo, you are used to a sudsy experience in the shower. You like a product that foams up all nice and is easy to distribute on your scalp. Am I right?

Girlfriend, you ain’t gunna find that here. But that’s a good thing!

The properties that make shampoos suds up are actually chemicals called Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). These are skin irritants, cheaply produced and added as an emulsifier and foaming agent.

All of Morrocco Methods shampoos are vegan, gluten-free, raw, wild-crafted and non-foaming.

These shampoos are highly concentrated, so it is recommended to use a separate bottle to put a little of your shampoo in and fill the rest with water. I do a 30% shampoo, 70% water mixture personally, but you may find you like a 50/50 ratio better.

Doing this helps you to better distribute your shampoo onto your hair, dilutes the products and extends the life of your shampoo bottles.

But please don’t pre-mix! I make my shampoo/water mixture every time I shower. Since Morrocco Method products are made all-natural, they do not contain synthetic preservatives, thus if they are sitting in water for a long time the water may invite mold growth, especially in a humid shower environment. So pre-mix individually before each shower.

Got that? Great! Now let’s move on.

Okay so what I’m about to tell you is going to seem like a scam at first. But I promise, it’s not!

With Morrocco Method shampoos you need to shampoo twice.

Yes, you heard me right. Shampoo twice.

There is actually a very logical explanation for this. A perfect shampooing is achieved in two parts. The first shampoo is to help get rid of all the gunk, dirt, dead cells and bacteria on your scalp. If you only shampoo once, these things could be massaged back into your hair follicle openings, thus retarding new hair growth and damaging the oil glands. This can totally upset the natural fall-out and reproductive cycle of your hair!

After the first shampoo, your scalp is clean, pores are open and you have provided the optimal set-up to soak in these much-needed nutrients.

And that my friend is where the second shampoo comes in.

This repeat shampooing is where your scalp actually soaks up all the yummy goodness you are putting on it. By massaging your clean scalp with shampoo this time, the stimulated flow of blood widens the hair follicles, allowing the blood vessels to feed each root and bulb. You are now nourishing the entire follicle and activating the sebaceous glands, properly distributing your own natural oils. This is vital to maintaining healthy hair and scalp, as it prevents drying in the hair by keeping the outer layer properly lubricated.

Make sure when you are shampooing both times that you are applying the mixture directly onto your scalp. You want to be purposeful about doing this so that your scalp is able to absorb the raw nutrients from the products.

I split my hair into a few different parts in the shower and then apply the mixture on those parts. Then I use my fingers to massage my scalp for at least a minute each shampoo round. This helps to better stimulate the scalp and it’s also SO relaxing. Double win!

5 Element Shampoos

Listed below and the great restorative shampoos that were designed to embody all 5 elements that you would find in nature. I truly love the benefits that my hair reaps from them all collectively.

Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo: This shampoo is great for all hair and scalp types. This product was created to embody the fire element. I love apple cider vinegar in general because it really helps to balance your scalps pH and ensure that no bad bacteria’s growing on your scalp.

Heavenly Essence Shampoo: This shampoo is for normal to damaged hair and scalp. This product was created to embody the ether element. This was actually the first shampoo I washed with, admittedly due to the fact that I liked the word Heavenly.  This is a great shampoo to start with!

Pine Shale Shampoo: This shampoo is for normal to flaky hair and scalp. This product was created to embody the air element.

Sea Essence Shampoo: This shampoo is for normal to dry hair and scalp. This product was created to embody the water element.

Earth Essence Shampoo: This shampoo is for normal to oily hair and scalp. This product was created to embody the earth element.

6 Conditioners

The cool thing about detoxing and healing your hair/scalp is that one day you may find that you don’t even need a conditioner anymore. Trust me, this was a crazy thought to me at first too.

Having a lot of hair, I always have DREADED wrestling with my tangled hair after a shower. I would seriously get a 30-minute arm workout just trying to brush my hair. You can ask my family, I used to loathe this constant battle so much that I would forgo brushing my hair all the time.

After my first wash, the real test was how easily I was able to brush through my hair. And boy, was I amazed!

What used to take me half an hour only took me 5 quick minutes. Over the past couple of months, my hair has begun to fully heal and now I don’t even need to condition every shower. I only condition once a week, use an apple cider vinegar hair rinse once a month and no longer have to go to World War III with my own scalp.


There are only 2 conditioners that act as what one would think of when picturing a regular conditioner. That is the Floating Lotus Conditioner and Pearl Essence Crème Rinse. There are two leave-in conditioners, the Sapphire Volumizer Mist and Diamond Crystal Mist. The Euro Oil is a godsend, and has many different uses and the Zen Detox is great when you are starting out on this hair recovery journey.

Floating Lotus Conditioner: This is the lightest rinse of the 2 in-shower conditioners. This is great for average to oily hair, that just needs a light amount of hydration.

Pearl Essence Crème Rinse: This conditioner is perfect for those with extremely dry, brittle and damaged hair. It is heavier and will give lots of moisture. Start at the ends of your hair and work your way up. Leave on for around 3 minutes.

Sapphire Volumizer Mist: This is the lighter spray of the 2 mists. It helps lightly condition your hair while also giving you volume. Good to use during the day and in between washes.

Diamond Crystal Mist: This leave-in conditioner is great to give you an extra boost of moisture. This is great for hair that is on the drier side. Fun Fact, it also works as a deodorant spray!

Euro Oil: This is a powerful scalp conditioning treatment for those with incredibly dry scalps. This oil has many uses and can be used as a skin moisturizer, lip treatment and I even ran out of shaving cream and it worked great to shave my legs! On days that I don’t use an in-shower conditioner, after I brush my hair I will rub a dime-sized amount on my hands and work it through the ends of my hair. A little goes a very long way!

Zen Detox & Scalp Therapy: This amazing clay hair mask is technically considered one of the conditioners. Its purpose is specifically to aid in your detox by helping to pull out all toxins and heavy metals from your hair while also supplying much-needed conditioning to your strands. By using this product, you will greatly be able to speed up your detoxifying process. For Morrocco Method newbies it is suggested to use this mask once a week for 3 weeks. Afterwards, it is recommended to use it once every season.

Don’t Dread the Detox

I want to touch on the detox a little more because I know that it can be quite daunting. I’ll be honest, if you’ve had an intimate past with chemicals and non-quality products, the detox might be a little rough at first. The detox period can last less than 2 weeks or up to a couple of months depending on your hair type and hair history.

You must remember, the detox is only temporary. The great things in life don’t just happen instantly.

If you are struggling with hair loss, remember that most hair loss is due to the damage from chemical hair care products. The first step towards healing is to remove ALL chemicals from your hair care routine. If you continue to use chemical products in conjunction with natural products the detox process can be prolonged.

The next step is to regularly use Morrocco Method products. Making sure to be patient during the detox phase.

Also if possible, use the MM Scalp Massager and Invigorator to energize and stimulate the scalp for 15 minutes every day. It is made of 100% natural rubber and is latex-free.

It’s Time to Take Back Control of Your Hair

Morrocco Method consists of sustainable, wild crafted ingredients that ensure your hair health is holistically supported, providing the nutrients it needs to grow thicker, stronger and longer.

You deserve to have beautiful healthy hair, and now you can!

This company also has a great support staff, who is always available to encourage and answer any questions that may come up along your hair care journey. As well, I am always here to help you through this journey!

I believe in this brand with my whole heart and am proud to introduce them to you.

My hope is for you to allow this company the opportunity to give you the hair freedom you deserve, as it has given me.


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